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American Legion Buckeye Boys State Alumni Association
The American Legion Buckeye Boys State Alumni Association was created in 1986 in an effort to afford former Buckeye Boys State delegates a vehicle by which they could maintain an interest and involvement in American Legion Buckeye Boys State.
Operated within the office of the Director of Buckeye Boys State which maintains all records and files of the Alumni Association, membership is open to any and all former delegates of any Buckeye Boys State program.
Application for membership is made through the official Alumni Association application form and payment of a one time membership enrollment fee of ten dollars ($10.00).
The Buckeye Boys State Alumni Association application form can be obtained by clicking Alumni Membership Application or by calling or writing the Director of Buckeye Boys State at:
America Legion Buckeye Boys State Alumni Association |
P.O. Box 8007 |
Delaware, Ohio 43015-8007 |
740-362-7478 |
740-362-1429 (fax) |
programs@ohiolegion.com (E-mail) |
Buckeye Boys State Alumni Association members receive a wallet card, Alumni Association lapel pin, and can access an on-line Alumni Association Newsletter.
Delegates attending the current Buckeye Boys State program will receive an Alumni Association application as part of their program materials.
Currently, nearly 3,500 former Buckeye Boys State delegates belong to the American Legion Buckeye Boys State Alumni Association.