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On-line Job Application Instructions
If you intend to apply for employment for one of the positions detailed below in the Buckeye Boys State program please download, complete, and submit the application as described below. The positions available are explained in detail in the Gold Book, included in your Delegate Packet. Please review the positions carefully and select the one for which you feel best qualified.
- Hetuck Editor
- Hetuck Computer Operator
- Hetuck News Editor
- Hetuck Reporter
- Hetuck Artist
- Hetuck Copy Editor
- Hetuck Business Manager
- Hetuck Photographer
- Legislative Services Commission Data Entry Specialist
You may apply for only one position! If you submit multiple applications, the first application received will submitted for consideration and the rest will be discarded.
All positions will be filled via a personal interview process the opening day of the Buckeye Boys State program, and Delegates hired will begin work immediately. Delegates who are hired will be able to participate in all Boys State activities, with the exception of holding an elective/appointive office because of the time commitments required for these positions.
Please choose the position you wish to apply for from the drop-down list provided and fill in all fields in the application document. If you require additional space for any of your answers, please attach additional typewritten or printed pages. Once you have completed the application, review and print the finished document, and when satisfied, submit by postal mail to:
American Legion Department of Ohio |
Buckeye Boys State Director |
P.O. Box 8007 |
60 Big Run Rd. |
Delaware, OH 43015-8007 |
Any applications received after June 1st will not be considered, so it is important to apply early. No applications will be accepted at the Buckeye Boys State program.
Please note: If you are applying for the position as artist with the Hetuck, it is requested that you include a sample of your artwork on a separate sheet of paper, attached to your application. The sample should be a line drawing, freehand, as this is the type of drawing that will appear in the Hetuck.
Good Luck to you all.