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American Legion Boys Nation
The National Headquarters of the American Legion conducts a program called American Legion Boys Nation, held in Washington, D.C., which picks up in the instruction process on government where respective Boys State programs leave off.
At American Legion Boys Nation, young men learn about the Federal levels and process of our government, through "hands on" participation, like Buckeye Boys State.
American Legion Boys Nation will meet with top legislators from both houses of Congress, Administration officials, and have an opportunity to meet the President of the United States.
Boys Nation delegates will tour many historic sites in and around Washington D.C. Boys Nation delegates lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.
Boys Nation follows the national political process and culminates its program with the election of the President of Boys Nation.
The American Legion Boys Nation program is conducted at Marymount College, Arlington, Virginia.
Two Buckeye Boys State citizens will be selected to represent Ohio and Buckeye Boys State in the week-long American Legion Boys Nation program.
At Buckeye Boys State, candidates to be considered for Boys Nation are nominated by their Section Heads and interviewed by a Boys Nation Selection Panel, composed of Buckeye Boys State staff members.
The American Legion National Headquarters pays for the transportation costs of all delegates to American Legion Boys Nation, housing, and meal costs.
In addition to the two principal Boys Nation Delegates, two Alternates who will attend in the event a principal delegate from Buckeye Boys State is unable to attend Boys Nation will also be selected.