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United States Senate Youth Program
The American Legion Buckeye Boys State program and American Legion Buckeye Girls State program working with the Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction and the William Randolph Hearst Foundation annually recommends candidates for consideration to participate in the UNITED STATES SENATE YOUTH PROGRAM sponsored by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation held annually in mid-to late February in Washington D.C.
The UNITED STATES SENATE YOUTH PROGRAM is a competitive high school program which offers two (2) representatives from each state a short indoctrination into the operation of the United States Senate and the Federal government in an effort to deepen the delegate's interest in an understanding of our country's political process.
104 student representatives from across the country and Department of Defense schools will follow an intensive schedule during their weeks stay in Washington. The United States Senate Youth Program may include visits to Congress, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, and various Smithsonian museums. Delegates will also have the opportunity to meet with various U.S. Senators, cabinet members, and many other government officials.
The William Randolph Hearst Foundation sponsors the United States Senate Youth Program and will assume all expenses of the participants for the wek including transportation, lodging, and meals and has completely funded this program for over forty (40) years.
In addition, the Ohio delegates to the United States Senate Youth program will be awarded a $5,000 scholarship.
Two (2) delegates and two (2) alternates for the United States Senate Youth program from Ohio will be selected by the Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction from among the candidates recommended by American Legion Buckeye Boys State and American Legion Buckeye Girls State.
- The United States Senate Youth program is open to any current high school junior who will be a senior in the Fall provided they have not previously been a delegate to the program.
- Eligible nominees must currently be serving in any of the following student government offices:
- Student body president, vice president, secretary or treasurer.
- Class President, vice president, secretary or treasurer.
- Student Council representative, but not Homeroom/classroom representative.
- Students must be a permanent resident of the United States and currently enrolled in a public or private secondary school located in Ohio. Ohio must be the legal residence of either of the student's parents, or their legal guardian.
- Nominees must have attended either the American Legion Buckeye Boys State or the American Legion Buckeye Girls State program and be a high school junior who will be a senior in the Fall.
Delegates and alternates are announced annually in December.